What to Look for in a QC Kinetix

Finding a joint pain clinic is an important step in treating your condition. Getting the right treatment will depend on your diagnosis and the severity of your pain. Treatment options vary widely from medications to regenerative medicine. In some cases, a combination of treatments is needed to treat joint pain. Some doctors may recommend a combination of treatments for joint pain, which include a range of exercises, physical therapy and chiropractic care. For a more comprehensive treatment plan, you should consult with your doctor. You may want to check out Louisville sports medicine for more.

Joint pain may result from an injury to the bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and bursae around a joint. It can also be a symptom of infection or inflammation. If you suffer from joint pain, your daily activities may become difficult. A joint can be damaged, resulting in severe pain and decreased mobility. Finding a joint pain clinic can be difficult, but there are many options available.
Joint pain can be a nuisance for people who lead an active lifestyle. Fortunately, a doctor can quickly diagnose the source of the pain and prescribe a treatment plan to relieve the discomfort and help your joints stay healthy. During the consultation, your doctor will ask you questions about your health and past injuries. Be prepared to answer questions about your joint pain, including whether you’ve suffered from it before, where it’s coming from, and how long it has been going on.
After examining the affected joint and determining the underlying cause, your doctor will recommend diagnostic tests. These may include blood tests, X-rays, and imaging tests. He may also order a joint fluid test. Depending on the results of these tests, your doctor may recommend medication or physical therapy. The treatment can relieve joint pain, improve mobility, and eliminate joint swelling. A rheumatologist can provide treatment for joint inflammation and discomfort.
In some cases, over-the-counter medications may be an option. But be sure to follow the directions of your doctor and tell your doctor if you experience any side effects. If your joint pain persists after several treatments and you’ve tried a combination of medication, physical therapy, and exercise, surgery might be an option. However, you should consult a physician to find out what surgery is best for you. It’s important to get a proper diagnosis so that you can treat the underlying problem with the best possible treatment.
Once you’ve determined the underlying cause of your pain, you’ll need to choose a clinic that specializes in addressing the specific symptom. A good pain clinic will not only manage your pain but coordinate other care and therapies. A pain management specialist will work with you to achieve your goals and monitor your progress. Some will even offer support groups to help you deal with your condition. If all else fails, you may want to consider a new medical facility that specializes in managing your pain.


QC Kinetix (Springs Medical)
6420 Dutchmans Parkway, Ste 375
Louisville, KY 40205
(502) 219-4636