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Over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease the pain in joints and muscles. They may also help reduce inflammation and swelling. Hot and cold therapy is another option. Both can help reduce pain and increase circulation. Taking a hot shower can also help ease joint discomfort. Increasing mobility is important in treating joint pain. Interested readers can find more information about them at Lafayette Sports Medicine – QC Kinetix (Lafayette)

Physical therapy can relieve joint pain by relieving muscle spasms around the joint. Ice may be applied several times a day to reduce swelling. Heat is also useful in alleviating muscle spasms around the joint. You should also rest the joint and try to avoid activities that cause pain. Physical therapy can also help you strengthen the joint and prevent stiffness.

During a consultation, a health care professional will examine the joint and take a history. The doctor may request x-rays and blood tests to confirm the diagnosis. Additional imaging studies such as ultrasound or MRI may be recommended for more accurate diagnosis. In some cases, joint pain may be caused by an underlying condition that may require surgery.

The treatment process will begin with an evaluation by an orthopaedic physician. The doctor will assess the severity of the pain and your goals. He may need to perform additional imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis of osteoarthritis or rule out other conditions. X-rays will show if there are any bone spurs or other damage. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can also show the condition of ligaments and tendons.

Generally, joint pain can be caused by a number of different conditions. For example, it may be caused by a muscle strain, a bone fracture, or an unrelated condition. In most cases, it is best to visit a doctor as early as possible to ensure the proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Joint pain can affect anyone. Pain in the joint can affect any part of the body and can limit mobility. There are several common causes of joint pain including traumatic injury, infection, rheumatic fever, and autoimmune diseases. Some of these conditions can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Luckily, there are treatments that can reduce pain in joints.

Self-care for joint pain can include using ice packs or NSAIDs. In more advanced cases, medical treatment may involve surgery. Inflammatory joint pain is usually the result of an underlying condition, such as arthritis. Treatment for arthritis consists of anti-inflammatory drugs and a number of other options. Surgery can also be used to repair damaged cartilage or ligaments.